Successful Piha Matariki Festival
There cannot be many residents or visitors to Piha over last weekend that did not enjoy being involved in the Piha Matariki Festival events. Whether it was the Giant Kite flying at Piha Beach, the early morning Ahi kā Matariki observation with Pita Turei, The Kids Disco, Piha Market day, or one of the many events at the Clubs, organisations and businesses of Piha, the was plenty for everyone to enjoy.
We hope that the Clubs, Organisations and businesses that put in so much effort had fun and benefited from their efforts and the hard work of the many volunteers to willingly gave their time and effort to make the Piha Matariki festival a success.
One standout event was the Charityy Auction for the benefit of Piha, Karekare and Anawhata families affected by the devastaion of Cyclone Gabrielle. Thanks to the hard work of Jenene Crossan, her Auctioneer Robert Tulp, MC Michēle A'Court, and her team of volunteer assistants, a total of $29,607.00 was raised for this great community cause.
We also thank again Jenene Crossan and her volunteers for organising the Piha Matarilki Fesival. Without them it would not have happened.