We provide a forum within which members can identify, discuss and deal with local issues and concerns, and provide a unified voice to represent those issues and concerns with the Auckland Council.
We are a Non-political association of local Ratepayers and Residents
We represent the views of our members in all matters affecting Piha
We work with local clubs, businesses and groups
We provide a forum for discussion on local issues
We work with Auckland Council and Auckland Transport on local environment and planning matters
We make non-partisan submissions to local bodies on legislation that affects Piha
We maintain links with other groups and relevant organisations in Waitakere to make sure our voices are heard.
We own and manage the Piha Post Centre and we own the Library building and support the Piha Community Library Trust.
What does it cost?
Membership costs just $25 per person per year. We need you to join so we have the funds and numbers to do our work. As a member, you can be as active or inactive as you choose. Join now
What happens to the money?
We use it to ensure we can represent Piha and Piha people’s needs. Our costs include printing costs, legal costs, accounting costs, venue hire, website and mailing costs to name a few.
Who can join?
Anyone who lives at Piha or owns property in Piha can be a full member of the Association. Click here to join online…
How are we organised?
We are organised as an Incorporated Society and registered with the NZ Government (See Here)
An Annual General Meeting is held every year (within 3 months of the end of the financial year). Committee members are elected by members of the Association at this meeting.
Special meetings are then called on an issue by issue basis.
Monthly meetings are at Piha Bowling Club at 7:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Members are welcome to attend or speak at the open forum to raise issues.
To request an item be put on the agenda email our secretary
Contact Us
Mailing address: Piha Ratepayers & Residents Association, CMB 55, Piha 0646, Auckland
View our Website Policies and Protocols…
Disclaimer: Through this web site you are able to link to other web sites that provide information relative to the Piha Community and the Piha Ratepayers and Residents Association, Inc.
The Piha Ratepayers and Residents Association, Inc., has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites, and the inclusion of those links does not necessarily imply a recommendation, or endorse the views expressed within them.
Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at Piha Bowling Club
Meeting Information and Procedures
All members welcome to the Open Forum at the beginning of the meeting which provides the opportunity for members to present items or raise any issues. Alternatively you can make it a formal agenda item by contacting the secretary to request your item be put on the agenda.
Open Forum and Visitors guide
Piha R&R committee meetings are open to all members. At all normal monthly meetings a time will be set aside early in the meeting for ‘Open Forum’ when any interested parties may present issues to the committee and elected representatives may provide information or updates on issues of interest to the Committee and/or the Community.
While notice of any intention to speak in Open Forum is not a requirement, it is recommended, to ensure adequate time allowance is made.
The normal maximum speaking time is five minutes unless the committee approves otherwise.
Committee members may ask questions at the conclusion of any presentation.
No resolution will normally be made at the time of the presentation, but committee members may be asked to follow up the presentation with further investigation. This will come back to a subsequent meeting.
Open Forum speakers and/or Visitors may not verbally criticise committee members or question or debate with elected members while the meeting is in progress.
View past Meeting Minutes Online…
View the Committee Code of Conduct…

The Piha R&R has a proud history of promoting the wellbeing, environment and development of the Piha community since 1938.