Some Success with Auckland Transport
Piha R&R has received this response from Auckland Transport.
Request to enhance the existing “Slow Vehicle Bay” signs on Piha Road with the addition of “Traffic Behind You – Let it Pass"
I have a good understanding of the issue and frustration that slow-moving traffic causes as I have spoken to motorists that drive Piha Road on a regular basis. Very slow-moving vehicles are not limited to loaded trucks and campervans but also include passenger vehicles, expected largely due to the tourist nature of the route. I'm happy to reverse the decision and allow these signs to be erected on existing “Slow Vehicle Bay” signage on Piha Road. I have checked the legality of this “Traffic Behind You – Let it Pass" sign and consider they are permitted as road safety billboards. I'll pass this onto the team to action and we should have the signs erected before the end of June 2025.
Request for the addition of “Speed Bumps” on Glenesk Road
Auckland Transport (AT) receives a high number of requests for traffic calming on local roads and prioritisation of interventions is part of our Residential Speed Management programme. We don't plan to add speed bumps to Glenesk Road right now. We’re dealing with other areas first because they have higher speeds and safety risks. However, we’ve recorded this location on our database for future use.
Our Residential Speed Management Plan: From 2019 onwards, we’ve focused on reducing vehicle speeds in residential areas rather than single streets.
We choose our priority areas based on:
the number of crashes
safety risk
traffic speed
land use
concerns from residents and elected representatives.
Visit our website for information about how we made our decisions and to see the priority areas.
An alternative avenue for prioritisation and funding of speed bumps is the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF). Projects in this programme are selected by the local board and delivered by AT. You may want to consider approaching the Waitākere Ranges local board, requesting them to consider this project for future LBTCF prioritisation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Kind Regards
Jared Plumridge | Traffic Operations Manager | Customer & Network Performance