Piha R&R News Update - 14th January

Happy New Year: We finally have some sun and clear blue skies, but that cold south westerly wind is making it pretty cool in the shade. It is heart-wrenching to see the demolition works under way on the Gabrielle affected properties and we feel for the affected owners and their families. Also sad to see the RSA closed after their fire, but President Greg is hopeful that they will be open again before Easter. We wish them well. We thank all our first responders and surf lifeguards for their continuing and diligent service to the Piha community and visitors.

Property Damage originating from Road Reserves - Register a Claim: From 13 December, affected homeowners should go to ourauckland.nz/recovery to see if they meet the criteria and to register their interest. Expressions of interest are open until 10 February 2025. Further information in Recovery Office item below.

Piha R&R AGM (Annual General Meeting): The Piha R&R Association AGM was held at Barnett Hall on 12rf January and we welcomed new President Dan Real and Vice President Brett Ngawaka who many of you will know from their efforts around our community., Peter Hosking from Pest Free Piha spoke on the wasp problem and the planned control program which will be timed to coincide with the wasp protein feeding cycle in the next few weeks.

Piha Community News: The latest edition o0f the PCN is being prepared now and is expected to be available for Waitangi Weekend, from the Piha Store, Library, or Piha Post Office. Members free copies will be available from the Piha Post Office.

Piha R&R Membership Fees ($25) and Piha Community Post Office Box rental Fees ($125 Including required Membership) are now due: See below for payment details.

Membership: We encourage all those in the Piha community to become members. Strong membership gives us a strong voice to advocate with Council for improved services, maintenance and infrastructure for Piha. Fees are currently $25 per member for the year. (1st November, 2024 thru 31 October, 2025.) This includes free copies of the Piha Community News. Please support your community. Make payment to Piha R&R Account 12-3051-0262370-00 Existing Members note your name in the details. New Members, please complete the Membership Form HERE.

Piha Post Office has PO Boxes available for rent. Secure your mail and support this important community service. $125 includes required membership.. Make payment to Piha R&R Account 12-3051-0262370-04